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Yep, that’s right, cats! So many people have cats, in addition to having dogs, and they are going the holistic route for their dogs but are a bit unsure about going holistic for their cats. All of my products can be used on cats except Tea Tree Oil and Tic a Boo. If I ever have a product that should not be used on cats, I will state that on my Products Page. Remember, any product comes with instructions and of course I am always available to answer any questions you may have.

Hi Maryjo,
Just wanted to let you know that my Isaac has never felt better.
He is a happy healthy exotic shorthair using your products.
Thank You for trying them and testing them so we can have confidence
in using them on our breeding animals.
Joanie Wilson/Ziakatz Exotic Shorthairs

Joanie and Darryl Wilson
960 Wise Road
Morganton, GA 30560

Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please contact us by phone. You may request a return or exchange within 10 days of the receipt of the product. Refunds apply to unopened and unused products only. If the product has still not been delivered after 30 days of purchase date, the customer is entitled to a refund of the purchase in full.

Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays determined by common and other freight carriers. For each individual order, we select a shipping method that will provide both value and speedy delivery. Standard shipping methods include the United States Postal Service.  


This page is about my son.
On this page, you may learn something that may help a loved one,
so please read it if you know a child with autism, allergies or who has seizures.

Let’s start with Paul’s story.
I will be adding things as he get’s well!

Paul was my last child of 7, a home birth, a home with mold though.
He had colic and was a little hyper when he was young. 

I wondered what was wrong with him.
I did the Feingold diet for him, to no avail.
He had full speech and played normally.
He had 4, 15 minute seizures at age 3 and
they stopped until age 5, maybe.
It is possible he had some during the night
and we didn’t know about it.
This I say because his brother who he shared a room with 

would often wake us up at night saying Paul had vomited.
He would never run a fever with the vomiting and none of the other kids would ever get sick.
I later found out that he very well could have had a grand mal and simply vomited after.
I didn’t know.

When he was 3, we had moved into a home with hidden mold,
the dreaded “remodeled” farm house.
This is where he experienced his first seizure.
(I did not know at the time about the connection between the two.)

We completely started losing him at age 5 and a little bit more each year after.

At age 5 he started having seizures again.
At one point he was having 17-24 grand mals a day.
They were shorter ones at least.
He had all the other kinds of seizures too.
The eeg in the hospital, which he was hooked up to for a month, 
showed him having one seizure a minute, that’s continuous really.
It was a nightmare.

We gave the mainstream drs a fair chance to get him seizure free and
they were not able to do so. 

Dealing with the side affects from these drugs was a nightmare too.
Paul stayed at many hospitals in and out of Michigan, some for quite extended stays.
My husband and I never left his side, although the drs tried to encourage us to take a break.

At age 5 they had him on 17 pills a day 
and 3 different prescriptions.
He was still having many seizures, was full of bruises and his hair was falling out.

Like my husband likes to say, he walked into that last hospital
 and came out in a wheel chair.
We got him out of the wheel chair within a few months though.

We tried the ketogenic diet at this point too, to control the seizures,
since the meds were not working.
This diet was started while in the hospital, we’d been there a month already.
This did not work for him.
The dietician at U of M in Ann Arbor, the head of all the diets at this huge hospital,
didn’t understand why I had a problem giving Paul nutrasweet.  
(Splenda, by the way, is pretty much the same thing as nutrasweet.)
The keto diet allowed as much nutrasweet laden foods that he wanted, jello, pop… ugh!
When I told this woman nutrasweet causes seizures, she said she had never heard that.  

Nutrasweet is an excitotoxin, besides being nothing but a toxic chemical!   

Being an excitotoxin means it affects the brain, very negatively!
Seizures are a side affect of it!
I get migraines from it, Paul has seizures.
This is basic knowledge and it was shocking that she didn’t know this!

Many children have “uncontrollable” seizures.
Nothing works for them.

This is Paul, my son.
I have also learned that over 50% of the kids who have autism, have seizures.
Many parents may not even know their child is having a seizure since some of them 

just look like they are staring off into space or their eyes look blank.
These kind of seizures are gone for Paul at least, since we changed his diet.

So here we were, Paul was age 5 and nothing was helping to control the seizures.

He was a mass of bruises and his hair was falling out, he was such a mess.
Someone even called protective services on us, 

the charge being we were over medicating our child. 
Ya think?
It had to be someone we knew.
Why couldn’t they just share their concerns with us?

  We had been asking the neuro for the weaning schedule to get him off these drugs that were not working
but he did not want to cooperate with us.
He said Paul’s “quality of life was good!”

We were so shocked when the dr said this to us,
we were angry too.
I was afraid of weaning Paul myself cuz I heard it
could throw someone into the big seizure that they never come out of.

BUT, this poor protective worker, who had to come and check us out,
who apologized to us,  by the way,
had to follow up with our neuro and our family dr.
THEN the neuro gave us the weaning schedule 

and we never saw him or any other neuro again.
We’d seen so many!

It took 6 months to wean him from the drugs.

After a very bad year of trying the mainstream drs 

and putting Paul on every single drug available for seizures, we quit.
They even wanted to try him on non FDA approved drugs, don’t think so.
They also wanted to start retrying the drugs they had already tried,
like Paul was an experiment!!
We had enough.
Even our family dr said we gave the neuros a fair shot.

Then we started with the holistic drs.  We tried dr after dr.
This was from age 5 until 11, until we found the GAPS diet.

Going to the holistic drs was also a nightmare.
With the first visit you get your hopes up that this is the dr to help your child.
Then you spend more money than you have, to get your child better.
What else can you do?
They want the money and they say they can get your child better, 

of course you are going to do this.
You are so excited at first and then your world comes crashing down upon you again.

The worst dr was the one we went to see (financially that is)
was one time a week, driving 3 hours each way!!
He charged us $450 a visit, not counting the supplements we bought from him.
Many weeks I wrote him a check for $800!
At this point too, we were spending about $1000. a month on supplements too.
Of course nothing was covered by our insurance.

I kept asking myself why was Paul sick? 
Why did he have so many allergies?
We had him tested after I read that allergies can mimic autism, 
and the results showed him to be allergic to almost everything.
Paul had not been vaccinated, 
so this was not the cause like some other kids.
What caused the allergies?
And why did I have 3 very sick children out of 7?
They were not vaccinated either.

So we were in between drs and treatments at the moment and I was doing research,
trying to figure out what to try next.

I actually announced to my family that
I was going to sit down on my computer
and not get off until I had the answer!
I already had a small list going of what to try next. 
Hbot was on it and FIR sauna.
We were desperately trying to get into a healthier home too.
It took us 5 years to be able to do so.

We had done scd (specific carbohydrate diet) already,
with no good results.
He was still having many seizures.

That has been the name of the game, stop the seizures.
The seizures even scared the drs.
There is one dr who refused to even see Paul because of the seizures.
To this day people still recommend him for Paul and I have to tell them that he will not see him.

By the way, half of the drs, both holistic and mainstream, 
say seizures do not cause brain damage, 
while the other half say they do.
I hate it when people inform me that it does.
Why tell me that?
Is it really going to change things for me,
or for Paul?
Am I not doing everything I can?
Please keep negative thoughts to yourself,
my brain just cannot go there.
I just have to hope and pray and trust.

I have to add here that every holistic dr we saw was extremely caring but just could not help us.

So I was on the internet one night and found a woman named Donna Gates
talking with Dr  Natasha Campbell McBride, on 6 short autism videos. 
I started crying because I knew I had found the answer. 
What really spoke to me at that time was these women talking about yeast overgrowth, 
also know as candida, 
being the root cause of so many issues affecting our children. 
I already knew I had it,
my mom had it, although she didn’t know, 

since mainstream drs never pay any attention to it, 
if they even know about it.
My mom eventually died from 3 cancers and had 5 in her lifetime. 
Some believe yeast causes cancer.
I passed it on to my kids, Paul being the youngest, got it the worst,
since I was sicker with it by then. 

We had allergy testing done and he was found to be allergic to almost everything they tested him for.
(Now the allergy tests show him to be allergic to nothing.)
I remember cashews were on that list and if you gave him one cashew he immediately had a grand mal.
It seemed an impossible situation.

We took the foods he was allergic to out of his diet.
How could I only be feeding my child 3 foods?

You just cannot imagine the anguish I felt as his mother.
Now I know of many families who have gone through pretty much
the exact same thing, as far as the food goes.
By the way, almost every holistic dr says that testing, especially allergy testing,
is just not accurate.

Nighttime was a nightmare, he did not did not did not sleep. 
Did I mention he didn’t sleep? 
Before we moved, because of possible mold in the attic above our bedroom,
(just ours) 

we had taken to sleeping in the living room, with Paul. 
At that point, because of the amount of seizures and Paul staying up most of the night, 
he had to sleep in the same room as us, just to keep him safe.

So before we moved, nighttime meant we took turns sleeping so someone could be
up with Paul, walking and walking. 
We were sooo tired. It was such a nightmare!
I still had 5 other children at home and a home business to take care of.
(A teeny tiny house with just one bathroom too!)

We were blessed a few years ago with a huge, newer home, just old enough to have out gassed.
Paul got his own bedroom and we got some sleep. 
We have a video monitor on his wall so we can see him at night 
and there is a motion detector light that goes on if he gets up at night which is very rare anymore. 
He started sleeping through the night pretty much right after starting the diet. 

The house is big enough for Paul to just walk around in as much as he wants.
I like a lot of seating so Paul can just plop into a chair or onto a couch if he wants.
My living room has 2 couches and one loveseat in it with plenty of space.
The den is just off this room with another love seat.
It is so nice for him.

Below are the videos that got me started
with this wonderful life changing diet,
well, actually there are two diets.
Even if your child is not autistic or having seizures,
watch these videos, they are very enlightening.
There are many issues that go away from following either diet.
All the autoimmune disorders for starters.
Celiac disease, depression, bipolar disorder, etc…
the list goes on and on!

The things that have changed for me;
lost 60 lbs,
lowered my blood pressure,
helped with pms,
helps with hot flashes (I’m 51),
many pains are just gone
and I have so much energy!

The six videos below are from youtube and are under 10 minutes each.
Trust me, these are eye openers for all of us.
If you are looking for good health, watch them!

#1 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride
#2 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride
#3 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride
#4 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride
#5 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride
#6 Donna Gates and Dr Campbell Natasha McBride

Links for the diets:
Body Ecology
Body Ecology Autism

As of right now, Paul is eating a no phenol diet, this is quite new.  
I had explored the phenol aspect of his diet before but at that time 
he was eating only a few foods and none of those were high phenol.  
Quite by accident, the other night, I saw a list and realized that, 
yes he was eating a few high phenol foods.  
I was surprised to see that quite a few foods that I eat 
and that always trigger a headache, even a migraine for me, were on this list.
So, for Paul, I decided to change those 3 foods that are high phenol 
and find other foods that he could tolerate, to add to his diet.
Interesting because some high phenol foods did cause seizures for him but I just never knew why.
Thank goodness I am a tough mama and never give up.
I love Paul and would do anything for him, for any one of my kids.
I always wanted to be a mama and have, well, 12 kids, to be exact but we ended up with 7 
and I am very happy about that.  Kids really do fill your lives with love.

Paul is taking Lugols Iodine and wow!  Saw immediate results with that.  

We are building up very slowly but I am very pleased with how quickly I am able to up his dose.  
I think I read it could take 2 years before you could do a maintenance dose.  
Eventaully I will get him tested when I get him in a better place.
Do a search on this, women will not get breast cancer if they take this.
It is for anything brain, even mental retardation.
It is for many skin issues too.
I wish I could shut my brain off sometimes or just turn it down, 
I look at people or listen to them and think, oh my gosh he/she needs this/that….
but, I am not a dr.

I have Paul on Magnesium Chloride, this is the best form of Magnesium, highly absorbable.  
Most of us think that just because we take a supplement 
we are getting what it says on the bottle, 
but we are not.  
With Magnesium Oxide, for instance, you only absorb 5% of it!
Since I started on the Magnesium for myself, I never ever have trouble falling asleep 
and this was an issue for me!
Sure, the B’Calm I sell is wonderful for this,
 but so many nights I am in bed and I have left my bottle downstairs.
I soak Pauls feet for at least 20 minutes with 2 cups of the Magnesium Chloride.

For myself, I soak my feet in 2 cups or take a detox bath with it.  I also use Magnesium Oil.
I love this stuff, just cannot get my husband to use it!
Magnesium is on the list for seizures too!

D3, also on the seizure list!  This was the first supplement I retried on Paul 

and immediately there was a huge reduction in the amount of seizures.
I have read in quite a few places to make sure it is olive oil, 
they sometimes use sunflower oil, cheaper I suppose.
I get mine from Seeking Health, he has drops.
Also, we all require much much more than the RDA says we need.
I really think they do want us sick,
more money for the pharma guys!
They are clamping down on quite a few natural and cheap things that we use.
Yes, you can get D3 from the sun but it is not nearly enough.
D3 is a huge cancer preventative.  I am into that.
I am 52 years old, my mom had 5 cancers in her lifetime and died fighting 3 of them.
No thank you.

I have been retrying Paul on Selenium but no luck, he has seizures when he takes it 
and I even use Kirkmans, a very high quality line.
I should be able to retry next week but just a tiny amount, I’ll open the capsule.

He is on Dr Ron’s Organ Delight, Porcine Free.

I heard from a doggie customer how it literally changed her life so after doing research on it, 
I decided to try it.  Paul is doing great on it, 
I am sure he is experiencing some healing benefits from it.

He is ingesting a heaping tsp of the clay I sell, me too.  

I really think this alone has healed our leaky guts 
and this is why we can eat so many more foods without experiencing a reaction.
Paul had gone 3 years doing the GAPS diet and then BED diet and still nothing.
He still couldn’t tolerate many foods.
Make sure you watch those videos I posted links to above, they don’t even equal one hour of your time!
THEN, you will know what I am talking about.
I still follow these diets because it is healthy.
I did read a few months ago that gut healing has to be done before the supplements 
or else we can’t absorb them.
I think it may be true.  
Everytime I tried Paul on any supplements, 
he just couldn’t tolerate them and I gave up for a few years.
I have been trying to get him better holistically for 10 years!
This was with drs help and now, for the past 4 years, without drs.
We still take him into the family dr for blood work,
just to make sure things are good.
Blood tests just don’t really help much it seems.
He soaks his feet in 2 cups of this clay everyday too.

He get’s a heaping tsp of Maca Root everyday too!

I love this stuff, it is the single most energizing thing I have ever taken.
I think if I ever took it too late in the day it would keep me up!

One thing I did stumble upon recently was MTHFR.  

This is a mutated gene that causes autism.
Testing would be a huge probem but we were going to do it 
but then Paul turned around so we haven’t gone yet.  We may still.  
Many parents skip the testing and just use the supplement which is what we do.
It is called L-5-MTHF and I also get this from Seeking Health.
Lot’s to read there!
Dr Ben Lynch put together the website and is doing lot’s and lot’s of research!!

Hi, I am a happy mama, my little angel Paul is now talking everyday.
Nothing too coherent, unless you consider hitting me,
laughing and saying “bam” while doing it, coherent, then he is.
Hey, I will take what I can get.
His dad is enjoying hearing him say “dad” again.
He is initiating getting up on his own too, not that we are letting him walk by himself yet, that will come.

I kept reading how the RDA for vitamins is low, well,
I think we all have known that for a very long time
but I was reading that it is really really low.
Long story short, I was led to start pumping this boy
with not just vitamins but natural things that his body can assimilate and use.
Juice is soooooo high in vitamins, not to mention carbs and calories, so he is putting on some much needed weight!

We are juicing for him 4-5 times a day.
In each tall glass of juice, he get’s 2 raw egg yolks,
closest thing to mamas breast milk,
nutritionally wise and maybe even better for him than my breast milk was.
By the way, sometimes we get low on eggs
and have to save the nice “garden” eggs for Paul,
my husband will pick up white eggs from the store
and we use those for ourselves.
I am always surprised at how yellow the yolk is in the white egg and
how orange the yolk is from the our beautiful brown garden egg.
THIS, is what we put in Paul’s juice.
Really good for the brain and also a good form of fat!

To each glass we add Maca Root, Kamut (Wheat) Grass Juice Powder ,
Alfalfa Grass Juice Powder and Barley Grass Juice Powder.
Also spirulina and chlorella.
We are giving him Red Marine Algae tablets everyday too.

He get’s D3, Lugols Iodine, Folinic Acid, Magnesium and Selenium.

He said “ma” 3 times today.  He has been saying “bam” for a few days and today he started saying “bat” and then “pat.”  Sounds like a little phonic fun!!
He is also saying “dad!”  It is pretty fun over here right now.

I have to thank God because he gave me the brain to accept what I have learned and be willing to try it.
Also, even the inclination to do research, and all this drive I seem to have to get my son better, I know that is God.  
I meet many who do not want to bother, maybe they think they can’t change things but I know they can.  
I know too many moms who have children who they got well again.
With God, anything is possible!!
So happy!!

Hi, I’m back!  I think I have made some really good discovries for my son, 
maybe for the rest of us in this house who have health issues too!

As you read above, I have been able to successfully put my son on some supplements.  
I carefully reseaarched what I wanted him on and was extremely careful about the source.
It had to be pure and from a source I could trust!

I scaled back on the juicing a bit, he gets 3-4 glasses a day with all the goodies in it though.
Yes, he gets an organic apple or an organic pear in each glass.  
These are not allowed on the diets I mentioned above but I think it is good for Paul.  
No apple seeds, they are like cyanide.
He get’s the juice about 30 minutes before eating as it is an enzyme 
and will help digest his food.  
Without good digestion, you will not absorb the nutrients from your food.  
Overeating also causes us not to be able to digest our food. 

Besides the good things we are seeing Paul do, seizures are rare anymore.
Now when he has one we say “huh, wonder why.”  Before I would say “darn it” and be sad.
Now we just stop and think about the great healing that is taking place 
and that has triggered the seizure.

If you watched the videos above, then you know how important the cultured (fermented) 
foods are and the different kefirs.  There is water kefir, coconut kefir and milk kefir.
The good bacteria you find in these different foods and drinks populate the gut 
and send the bad bacteria packing.  
Of course the bad guys put up a fight and release toxins.  This equals seizures for Paul.
For years I have dabbled around with small amounts of all of the ferments and kefirs I mentioned above.
The seizures always stopped me from going any firther as far as amounts go.

I think what is happening right now is the juicing is taking care of the seizures and he is just healthier.
He is eating a cultured cabbage mix I make and cultured carrots.

I also am giving him kombucha, store bought even.
I don’t do things like this for Paul, everything from scratch.
I never take a chance with the seizures.
Kombucha was something I never even attempted for Paul.
I had some one time and it triggered a really bad migraine so I never had any again 
and I didn’t want to take the chance on Paul.
Something I read made me want to try it, try it right now kind of thing.
So I bought some from Whole Foods and it was even buy one get one free.
It is delicious and addicting as well!
We get the Synergy brand.
This stuff is full of beneficial bacteria besides being yummy!

This is the website to explore to learn more about the benefits 
of eating cultured foods and drinking kefir.

Air Travel

Shipping a puppy is completely safe.
The airline we use, has a  special “Pet Program” and they do things to ensure the safety of your puppy!
Every single time I have shipped a puppy,
the report I get back from the new owners,
is that the puppy was happy to see them and wagging his tail!!
We have never had a problem, ever!
If we ever have a problem shipping a puppy we will stop.


There are many things that are entailed in shipping you your puppy.

The first thing I need, is for your puppy to be paid for in full and shipping costs paid, which is an extra $350.00 – $400.00, depending on the size of your puppy.

After this is all taken care of, I will send you your guarantee for you to sign and get back to me.

After this, I take your puppy in for a vet check.
He signs a certificate saying your puppy is in good health and can fly.
(There is a waiver since I do not do vaccinations.)

If your puppy is over 4 months old and it is not my fault but yours because you didn’t want him yet, (this happened once), then you would have to pay for the rabies shot which would be required by law at that age.

Then I send you your puppy.

I will tell you exactly where to pick your puppy up and the flight number and expected arrival time.

You will not need to call the airport or do anything extra.
Just pick up your new furry little friend!

You should bring soaked food with you and a bottle of water and whatever else you want.
I will be attaching a baggie of soaked food to the puppy’s kennel but he may have eaten it already.

I will be purchasing a kennel ahead of time and this will be yours to keep. This is a plastic crate and will not work for training.

I will also be giving your puppy some B’Calm Essential Oil  before the flight to keep him mellow and happy.
They supply the water.

Let me know if you have any concerns or questions.

Maltipoos 054

Why Do I Ship?  
I get asked this a lot, most people assume it isn’t safe.  

Having a website has caused me to have exposure to people out of state and I have had to rethink the whole shipping thing.

I felt I was being unfair to the people who really wanted a puppy from me but lived too far away.  (I won’t ship over seas by the way.)

Shipping is actually a safe way for you to get your puppy.
I had just assumed it was not safe without even checking into it.

I don’t really like that word “shipped.” The first time I shipped a puppy, a few of my friends made jokes, like I was going to box up the puppy and take it to UPS. I think of it more as “Air Travel,” now that I have done it.

Many people have flown in to get a puppy or have driven.

I have had people from other countries who have wanted me to ship to them.
I have said no to those people.  That would be too much time in the air, plus the puppy would usually have to be quarantined and I just will not do it. 

I would much rather meet the person who I am sending my puppy to live with, but sometimes I guess it can’t happen.

Candys pups August 5 078

Which Airline?
I only use Delta Airlines.
They have a special puppy program.  

When deciding which airline was best, I talked to 2 other airlines but really felt that Delta seemed to care about my puppy.  They assured me that they would take good care of Smiley, she was the first puppy I shipped, and I believed them.

It was a very difficult thing for me to have to do. But she got through it, we got through it, and we made a family very happy.  Smiley’s new owners called me after picking her up said she was happy and wagging her tail non stop!

Smiley was even served food and drink on her trip.  I supplied the food, they supplied the water.  They did special things to the cage, which I supplied, to make it safer.

They will not even ship a puppy if it is too hot or too cold outside.
They say there are more accidents in cars than on airplanes.

I had a customer who wanted me to use a different airline but I was extremely displeased with this airline.  They said they would not serve the puppy food if they had to have a layover and the customer could not even pick up the puppy until 3 hours after it’s arrival! Plus, we would have had to bring the puppy way too early at our end.  They did not seem to care about the puppy’s welfare at all.

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Ask about this ensemble to go in your puppy’s cage for shipping. It can also be viewed on my Products page.

Air Travel (okay, shipping)

Shipping a puppy is completely safe.  The airline we use, has a  special “Pet Program” and they do things to ensure the safety of your puppy!  Every single time I have shipped a puppy, the report I get back from the new owners, is that the puppy was happy to see them and wagging his tail!!  We have never had a problem, ever!  If we ever have a problem shipping a puppy we will stop.



There are many things that are entailed in shipping you your puppy.

The first thing I need, is for your puppy to be paid for in full and shipping costs paid, which is an extra $350.00 – $400.00, depending on the size of your puppy.

After this is all taken care of, I will send you your guarantee for you to sign and get back to me.

After this, I take your puppy in for a vet check.  He signs a certificate saying your puppy is in good health and can fly.  (There is a waiver since I do not do vaccinations.)

If your puppy is over 4 months old and it is not my fault but yours because you didn’t want him yet, (this happened once), then you would have to pay for the rabies shot which would be required by law at that age. Then I send you your puppy.

I will tell you exactly where to pick your puppy up and the flight number and expected arrival time.  You will not need to call the airport or do anything extra.
Just pick up your new furry little friend!

You should bring soaked food with you and a bottle of water and whatever else you want. I will be attaching a baggie of soaked food to the puppy’s kennel but he may have eaten it already.

I will be purchasing a kennel ahead of time and this will be yours to keep. This is a plastic crate and will not work for training.

I will also be giving your puppy some B’Calm Essential Oil  before the flight to keep him mellow and happy.  They supply the water.

Let me know if you have any concerns or questions.



My New Website!

Ramona 003


This is my 3rd website that I am building, I just keep working at making it better and better for you!  It will not be working for a couple days while I transfer my old one, sorry.  Make sure you check back, it will be an awesome website!  My old website was huge and this one will be no different!

In the meantime, like me on facebook and see which puppies I have available.

Please feel free to call me or email me too, I am very prompt at responding.



Why you Should Come Back to my New Website

You will learn!  I know many of you have lost a pet to cancer, liver problems, diabetes, the list goes on and on…

I will cover every topic or problem your dog/puppy may have, from a holistic angle.  You will learn things as to why you shouldn’t be vaccinating your pets, what’s wrong with heartworm preventatives, flea products…the list goes on and on.

You will find all the help you need in raising your new puppy.  You will find a new puppy too if you want!  You will find ways to get your dog that you already have, into a healthier state.

So make sure you come back and see what I am all about!  I have been at this for almost 20 years!

I offer many products too that we use for our puppies and us.  I offer you everything you need.

This is a Little Snippet of what I am all About

I specialize in non shedding/hypoallergenic puppies.

They come with a 5 year health guarantee and are registered.

Many of my puppies go on to be therapy dogs, either as a companion for an autistic child or a regular visitor to a nursing home or hospital.

Most get one of my puppies trained in just 3-7 days, they are extremely smart.

My puppies are raised holistically, I do not believe in using antibiotics, immunizations or drugs when raising my puppies. Yes, most breeders have your puppy on antibiotics as a precaution, in case they get sick. Antibiotics are considered a drug and are not without side affects. I think if you start them off with a strong immune system and keep it that way, then you do not need to raise them with unhealthy precautions. I have many who come back to get 2 and 3 puppies from me.

My puppies are healthy, happy and wonderful. They have beautiful glossy coats and clear eyes. I do not photoshop my pictures, what you see is what you get.

I also don’t use any whitening shampoos, these are highly toxic. Please check and see if your groomers use one, most of them do.

Below you can read just a little bit of what many vets are saying about our pets and their health care. There will be much more information on my website.

~~~The first thing that must change is the myth that vaccines are harmless. Veterinarians and animal guardians have to come to realize that they are not protecting animals from disease by annual vaccinations, but in fact, are destroying the health and immune systems of these same animals they love and care for. Dr. Charles Loops D.V.M.

Most vets recommend immunizations while the puppies are quite young and this damages their immune system, although, there are many vets who raise them without, they KNOW that it damages their immune system and makes them have health issues for their lifetime. No puppy should ever be immunized before the age of 14 weeks as it still has natural immunity from mama, no matter what age they are weaned.

~~~Natural Immunity obtained from the milk of mothers persist in most puppies until 12-16 weeks of age.

~~~Vaccinating puppies before 12 weeks of age will “wipe” out the maternal antibodies which leaves puppies more vulnerable to infection.Peter Dobias DVM

~~~I think that vaccines, justly credited as the tamers of disease epidemics, are nevertheless the leading killers of dogs and cats in America today. Martin Goldstein, D.V.M

~~~Did you know there is no such thing as a safe vaccine? No in fact, that is what these scientists supposedly are still trying to do-make vaccines safe and effective. Nope they aren’t effective either. In fact, they set up the body for auto-immune disorders because they do the exact opposite of what they were intended to do. Jeannie Thomason DVM

~~~Cancer, after all, simply doesnt occur in hosts with strong immune systems. Vaccines, given as copiously as they are to pets, stress the immune system the pets get cancer vaccines cause cancer. Any doubts about the connection have by now been crushed under the sheer accumulation of telling case histories. Dr Goldstein, DVM.

~~~Treatment with allopathic drugs antibiotics, steroids, hormones, etc. should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. The need for drug treatment is actually quite unusual, and should be considered a last resort. Antibiotics are often completely superfluous, such as in treating abscesses or viral infections. They should also not be used routinely to prevent infection, such as after most surgery or dental procedures. For most situations in which antibiotics are given, there are safe, effective alternatives. Jeffrey Levy, DVM

~~~Dee Blanco, D.V.M- You take healthy animals and often very quickly after you vaccinate, you can see simple things like itching of the skin or excessive licking of the paws, sometimes even with no eruptions. We see a lot of epilepsy, often after a rabies vaccination. Or dogs or cats can become aggressive for several days. Frequently, you will see urinary tract infections in cats, often within three months after their annual vaccination. If you step back, open your mind and heart, you will start to see patterns of illness post-vaccination.

♥I realize some of this information may be new to some of you and I would be more than happy to discuss any of this or answer any questions you may have. Of course I have encountered many over the years who follow this way of life and are thrilled to find me. I really love what I am doing.

Please let me know if you have any questions and again, sorry for any inconvenience.



