Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth

Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth is a Food Grade Fossil Shell Flour.  It’s called flour because it’s ground fine like the flour that you use in your kitchen.

What on Earth is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous Earth is not really an earth, it’s the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called Diatoms.

Not all deposits of Diatomaceous Earth are the same.  Out of 600 deposits in the US only 4 are considered food grade by the FDA.

Diatomaceous Earth is a product you might be unfamiliar with, although you may have heard of it being used for pool filters. Unless it is food grade, it would be poisonous to consume though.  This brand, Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth, is food grade and is safe for human consumption.

It is full of minerals and is good for your pets overall health! It will keep his coat shiny and glossy and help control parasites (worms).

This is a great deworming aid in addition to other things that you can add to your dog or puppy’s daily routine.

Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth improves digestion, detoxifies and is a great colon cleanser. It supports strong teeth, bones and joints. It increases mineral absorption and is rich in vitamins and minerals, with calcium, iron, zinc, and silica. Wow!

I take a teaspoon every single day and have noticed big changes in my self.