Parvo & Other Doggie Diseases

~~~Dr. Mercola says,We can solve well over 90% of the all chronic diseases with simple, inexpensive natural therapies.”

Dr. Bennett is an Infectious Disease Microbiologist and Immunologist and say’s, “Bacterial infections, viral infections and immune system fatigue cause a host of disease problems in humans and pets (especially in very young and older animals).”  


Make sure you check out my Antibiotics Page.

Dr. Will Falconer, DVM
“Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer, etc. 

While they can be cured through the careful use of homeopathy, the road to cure can be a long one & often years if the animal has had years of disease.”




Stress, immunizations and/or parasites are usually what causes Coccidia.  You will see a loose stool that will be mucousy and may have streaks of blood in it.  Many veterinarians will tell you that your puppy is full of parasites.  

Coccidia is not exactly a parasite.  Coccidia is a protozoon that lives in the intestinal tract of all dogs.

I give my puppies/dogs Milk Kefir .  It is a very beneficial thing, especially to combat the Coccidia.  It keeps a healthy balance of bacteria in the puppies intestinal tract. If a puppy has enough good bacteria in his stomach, Coccidia cannot grow.

I start newborns out on this and they stay on it until they leave my house.
it is full of beneficial bacteria.  (I am offering this to you in a kit now so you can make some at home!)

If a puppy is ever put on antibiotics, it has happened in the past to my puppies, I made sure to give him kefir to replenish the good bacteria that was being killed by the antibiotics.  Now I know better and would never put a puppy on an antibiotic.

Almost every breeder has your puppy on at least one kind of antibiotic if not two different ones.  This is very bad for their gut health.

Their gut and ours, has a balance of good and bad bacteria and even one course of antibiotics can and does, throw it out of whack and can cause yeast to flourish. Maybe some of you ladies are familiar with the word candida, it is the same thing.  If candida is left to flourish it can end up being systemic and get into the blood stream.  Without good gut health, you cannot be healthy, again, this is for our pet’s and for us.  You can read more about good gut health in other places on my website.

When Coccidia does exist in the intestines of a puppy, it can easily spread through his system and into the lungs and if left unchecked, it can cause pneumonia and death.

The first signs of Coccidia  usually show a puppy not being interested in his food.  Contact your vet immediately if you see these signs.  

When a puppy or even a person has a virus it is very hard to determine which virus it is, whether it be from a rectal exam or a blood draw.  I have heard this from many medical drs. I think it is just simply a difficult thing to differentiate and often times the vet or even a medical doctor just has to guess and treat it.  This is what I have found through my own experiences, anyway.

Most times, at least for a puppy, the treatment will be the same.  
Parvo treatment and Corona treatment will be the same, but Coccidia treatment will be different.  I have had my vet tell me that it is hard to distinguish between Corona virus and Parvo Virus.  My vet is very good and people travel far to see him.

I once took the same stool sample to two different vets, and 
they detected two different things.  I have heard this from a few others too.

Maybe it’s the equipment they use to test for Parvo, I don’t know.
You may experience something different with your vet.  

It is common for a puppy to be misdiagnosed, even with Parvo.  
The tests are so inaccurate, that if a puppy has had a Parvo Vaccine recently it will show up as positive for Parvo.  
The vet will probably think the puppy has Parvo and that will be that.

Many viruses mimic each other with symptoms.  
Viruses can remain dormant for many years and when the immune system becomes compromised from an immunization, parasites, stress, etc… it can reappear.

Michagan 049

Parvo Virus is a viral disease of dogs. It affects puppies much more frequently than it affects adult dogs. The virus likes to grow in rapidly dividing cells, this would mean a puppy.  The intestinal lining has the biggest concentration of rapidly dividing cells in a puppy’s body. 

The virus attacks and kills these cells, causing diarrhea (often bloody), depression and suppression of white blood cells — which come from another group of rapidly dividing cells. In very young puppies it can infect the heart muscle and lead to  sudden death.

“There is a temptation to blame almost any case of vomiting and diarrhea in a young of these symptoms.  It can be hard to definitively diagnose parvo virus in a clinical setting. Most puppies with parvo virus seem very ill. They are usually noticeably depressed.

There is usually vomiting and severe diarrhea. 
White blood cell counts are suppressed, especially the neutrophils. There are tests for parvo virus but false positives can occur within 5 to 12 days of vaccination and false negative tests occur, as well. 

A combination of suspected clinical symptoms, a positive Parvo Virus test and low white blood cell count comes close to ensuring a proper diagnosis. If two out of three of these criteria are present it is likely but not certain that Parvo Virus is present.”
Dr Michael Richards

Dr Jeannine Day say’s, “It is sad, I worked with allopathic vets for many years and saw the long term results of vaccinating puppies and 
also noted that the majority of puppies we had admitted with “Parvo” HAD indeed BEEN vaccinated.

It seems to be the general public’s opinion (wonder where they came up with it?) that giving a series of shots will PREVENT their puppies from getting Parvo and they are dead wrong. What they don’t realize is that if the puppies are vaccinated and they do they get parvo it is much more difficult to treat and they are more likely to die from it.
An unvaccinated puppy that does contract Parvo,
actually gets better faster.

They also are not aware that many puppies get Parvo from the vaccine itself.” 

William Pollak D.V.M. 
 “Severe nutritional deficiencies and toxic states have been known to mimic almost every known disease in veterinary medicine. In chronic conditions, some developing over several generations, improvement in health can take months or years.”

Different Diseases

1.  Campylobacter
2.  Coccidia
3.  Coronavirus
4.  Distemper
5.  Giardia
6.  Salmonella 
7.  Poisoning
8.  Intestinal Blockage (many times this is from parasites)

Below is a list of many diseases that can mimic parvo.
9.   Worms
10. Dysbiosis

11. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
12. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
13. Colitis
14. Ebola virus
15. Dog Show Crud
16. Leptospirosis
17. Canine Hepatitis
18. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
19. Heliobacter Infection
20. Addison’s disease


Parvo Studies

This really shocked me!

A study conducted by Canine Health Concern during 1997, involving 4,000 dogs, showed that 68.2% of dogs in the survey with parvo virus contracted it within three months of being vaccinated. 

Similarly, 55.6% of dogs with distemper contracted it within three months of vaccination; 63.6% with hepatitis got it within three months of vaccination; 50% with parainfluenza contracted it within three months of vaccination; and every single dog with leptospirosis contracted it within that three month time frame.

I read about a woman who took her non vaccinated puppy to a friends house for a visit.  The next day her friends puppy came down with parvo and was hospitalized. This puppy had had 3 shots for parvo.  The non vaccinated puppy never even got sick!  

This is one of many stories like this that I have read.  It’s true too!  Non vaccinated puppies and dogs are healthier than the vaccinated ones.

“Every time a dog is vaccinated for parvo or any disease, the number of white blood cells in the circulation decreases for a while. This means their immune system won’t work as well during that time. Hmmmm, then what happens when they encounter a virus or bacteria while they’re in this weakened state?  I think you know the answer.

Every veterinarian who has been in practice long enough has seen reactions to vaccines, ranging from lethargy, mild fever, sore neck, to vomiting and sleeping for 24 hours, to total collapse and shock. In cats we now recognize that this in time can cause fibrosarcoma, a nasty cancer. This is officially recognized by the veterinary community, and if this isn’t a form of vaccinosis, I don’t know what is.” 
Dr. Nancy Scanlan, DVM, Chino Hills CA 

Since Dr.  Scanlan, above, says Parvo lowers your puppies white blood count, I give them my puppies Vitamin C to raise their white blood count. 
I like to prevent things from happening.  I give my puppies Vitamin C everyday just to keep them strong.  Indigo is also another supplement that will raise their white blood count.

The Parvo Hysteria
Another important read!
by Mogens Eliasen 
Parvo has been one of the biggest money-makers ever in the pet vaccine industry.  It is supported by emotions, misinformation, fear monger, and lack of fundamental knowledge from the dog owners’ side. 
There are no facts whatsoever to support a risk management proposition in favor of vaccination against that disease.

What is Parvo?  Parvo is a man-made virus mutation. Created by irresponsible people in a virus lab experimenting with stuff that could have been an attempt to initiate biological warfare in Vietnam – who knows. 
The patent on the vaccine is now a billion-dollar income source!

The worst part of it is that there is no way the disease could have been spread as fast as it did over 5 continents, if it would have been left to expanding its territory on its own, by transfer from animal to animal. The only possible way of achieving a world-wide spread in a matter of the few months it took is by distributing the virus through vaccines! (It is an interesting thought that, if we had not been to keen on vaccinating our dogs so much, then Parvo could not have propagated as it did, but would possibly have been easy to isolate in a few small regions…. Producing and distributing vaccine is not free of liability and risk!)

Parvo is a virus that primarily attacks growing cells. That’s what sometimes makes it fatal for young puppies that still suckle. That’s also what makes it totally harmless for adults dogs….However, it is rarely the virus itself that kills, if ever.

It is most often the side effects of its presence, vomiting and diarrhea, that are the primary death reasons – they can be so violent that the puppy dies of dehydration.

How does a dog get Parvo?

“The virus can survive for years in soil.  It can attach itself to almost anything, including dust that is blown with the wind, the soles of your shoes, the skin of your hands.  It resists heat and frost, moisture and draught.  It is everywhere.  

Even wolves in the wild get it nowadays.  Simply by your walking on some contaminated ground can be enough to bring the virus home to your dog.  It is virtually impossible to protect your dog against the exposure.

However, some areas are worse than others, and some of the very worst are the veterinary clinics!  In other words: bringing your puppy to the veterinary hospital in order to vaccinate it against Parvo is madness.  You can be certain of vastly increasing your risk of the puppy contracting Parvo from that visit before it can generate any immunity from the vaccination…

Exposure, however, is not enough for the puppy to contract Parvo.  It takes exposure plus a weakened immune system.  As long as you keep the immune system strong, your puppy is not in danger, no matter the exposure!

I can add to this that I have seen about 150 dogs in my classes over a 10-year period come down with Parvo 2-4 weeks after they got vaccinated.  Of course, when those students went back to the vet that gave the vaccine, “it simply could not be Parvo”.  But when I learned that lesson and asked my students to let another vet take a look without telling anything about the vaccination, the diagnosis came clean and clear every single time:  PARVO! Sure, 150 dogs out of about 3,000 is only 6%… I never saw a case of Parvo among the dogs that were not vaccinated – and they counted about 10% of all my students and they never had any health problems from the exposure to the other dogs in the classes…This is simply not compatible with the scaremonger.

What about vaccination? As you can understand, vaccination against Parvo is a farce.  Or a scam.  Since the disease is no serious threat to adult dogs, but primarily kills puppies at the age of 4-6 weeks when it kills, vaccination is simply not a responsible option!

The reason is that puppies cannot generate immunity against any disease until they are 10-12 weeks old. Till then, they rely 100% on the protection they get through the mother milk, the so-called “maternal antibodies”.  If the mother is healthy and has good protection herself against Parvo, and the puppies suckle till they are about 8 weeks old (as they should…), they will remain well protected till they are 12-16 weeks old.  Any attempt to vaccinate before they have developed the capability of responding with an counter-attack through their own immune system, the maximum you can expect from a vaccination is that the vaccine will destroy the maternal antibodies – and leave the puppy even more vulnerable than it was before!

On top of that, the vaccine is not free of other side effects.  It is actually very poisonous, and it will weaken the entire immune system, at a time when it is not even fully ready to defend itself…

How do we deal with it?  The good news is that the number of puppies that will die as a result of Parvo attacks is not big enough to destroy the species.  But it will soon be, if we do not allow this natural immunity to propagate throughout all breeds – and we can only make that happen when we stop the vaccination madness against diseases that charge only a moderate toll and are completely non-dangerous to adults.

The sad truth most probably is that when we breed dogs who are so completely destroyed by over-vaccination that their immune system no longer can function, the transfer of immunity to puppies through the mother milk is jeopardized. Over-vaccination is a evil circle, and we need to break it before we destroy our dogs.

This is not a matter of saving every single puppy we possibly can breed.  It is a matter of saving enough healthy ones to carry on the powers of an immune system that can handle the disease.  It has been my observation, through following the communications on many bulletin boards and in numerous newsgroups on-line, plus thousands of students and clients of mine, that people who feed their dogs a healthy raw diet and do not vaccinate, rarely get Parvo – and when they do, the attack is mild, with only minor losses, if any.  It would be interesting to quantify this in a dedicated study, and, some day, it will hopefully be done. Till then, we have to make our decisions based on our combined experience.

We need to remember that the virus is virtually everywhere.  There is no protection possible, other than breeding healthy dogs with a strong immune system.  When vaccination is no option either, we need to look elsewhere for help.”

Mogens Eliasen

Mogens Eliasen holds a mag. scient. degree (comparable to a US Ph. D.) in Chemistry from rhus University, Denmark, has a extensive education also as military officer and in business management.  He has been working with dogs, dog owners, dog trainers, and veterinarians since 1970.  A large part of his dog work has been in the area of education and education planning, and as consultant for dog owners and dog training associations.  He is a strong advocate of treating the dog with respect for its nature as domesticated wolf, and has published several books and videos on topics related to dogs, dog training, dog behavior, and responsible care of dogs.  

Dr. Jeannie Thomason Say’s,

“It is sad, I worked with allopathic vets for many years and saw the long term results of vaccinating puppies and also noted that the majority of puppies we had admitted with Parvo HAD indeed BEEN vaccinated.

It seems to be the general public’s opinion (wonder where they came up with it?) that giving a series of shots will PREVENT their puppies from getting Parvo and they are dead wrong. 

What they don’t realize is that if the puppies are vaccinated and they do they get Parvo it is much more difficult to treat and they are more likely to die from it.

An unvaccinated puppy that does contract Parvo, actually gets better faster.

They are also not aware that many puppies gets Parvo from the vaccination itself.  All the well meaning public is doing is breaking down their immune systems and setting them up for a lifetime of problems from all the vaccines.”